Keeping agriculture at our heart

18 May 2011, Press Releases

The 127th Lincolnshire Show will be keeping agriculture at its heart. The Show – on 22nd and 23rd June – includes the best of the county's livestock on the judging lines and all the latest trends in farming and agriculture from the top breeds to top machines.

Two native breeds that are likely to attract much attention once again are the Lincoln Longwool sheep and Lincoln Red cattle.

From near Woodhall Spa in eastern Lincolnshire, Maurice Parker will bring his 6 Lincoln Longwools when he attends the Lincolnshire Show for the 41st time. He said:

"It's one of the best shows in the country. It's our home county show and the stewarding at Lincolnshire is always brilliant."

Maurice has been winning championships firstly for others and for himself since 2000, including wool on hoof, interbreed and overall breed Champion.

In the cattle lines, Geoff Bolton from Market Rasen has notched up 52 Lincolnshire Shows, since his first visit as a schoolboy in 1959. Now chairman of Lincoln Red Cattle Society for the second time, and a judge himself at other agricultural shows, he has breeding Lincoln Reds for over 20 years and now has a herd of 30 beast. He said:

"I'm a small player but I have had a fair bit of success both here and at other shows, including winning Lincolnshire Show Champion. It's one of our favourite shows and the one where you will see most Lincoln Reds. Twenty years ago there were about five exhibitors, now there are many more, although they're generally much smaller teams than they used to be, as I am".

Her added:

"Lincolnshire Show is largely still agricultural and it's got an important role to play in education. I first came to the Show on a School trip in 1959, and now, just as then, it's an opportunity for young people to learn and to be involved in agriculture, livestock and where food comes from."

On the machinery lines, one major exhibitor is Househam Sprayers, the UK's biggest supplier of crop sprayers, all manufactured in Lincolnshire and exported worldwide. Said Mick Hill of Househam Sprayers:

"The Show is our PR flagship of the year. It's great to see our customers and good to be on our home territory. We'll be bringing a range of our machines, from a 600l mounted sprayer to our massive 6000l self-propelled sprayer with a 36m boom."

There's a vintage to modern day agricultural machinery display, sponsored by Spaldings and Woldmarsh.

There is a special Lincolnshire producer and supplier section in the food court this year and an educational framework for local schools in a series of farming related challenges.

And from Wrisdale's farm in Wainfleet St Mary's, four brothers will receive Long Service Awards for their contribution to the farming industry. Norman, Percy, Gordon and Colin Gostelow have served a total of 174 years between them.

David Chiddick, the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society President said:

"The Lincolnshire Show is one of the few county shows to remain true to its agricultural heritage, a strength which has carried us forward. The Show has a valuable role for the agricultural community with excellent networking, as well as educating our community."
He added: "The Show makes a major economic contribution too. Every £1 spent generates £20 in the local economy."

The Show will be open from 8am to 6pm each day. Visit the Show's website for more information and to book your tickets or call the ticket hotline 0845 2305171